Sherlockian Calendar
The aim of the Sherlockian Calendar is to be helpful to all Sherlockians:
- those who are traveling and might like to connect with other Sherlockians
- those who are scheduling Sherlockian events to avoid conflicts
- those who are just curious
To find out more about a particular event, please email the person listed as contact.
Changes, corrections, etc., should be sent to Ron Fish at ronf404 at
NOTES: Major events are in RED
Physical meetings are in BOLDFACE
Hyperlinks provided to Word or PDF invitations
2025/Anno Holmes 171
20 Rochester, NY -- Rochester Row -- Meeting
21 The Great Alkali Plainsmen -- Virtual Meeting
21 Sherlock Holmes Society of the Cape Fear -- Virtual Meeting
22 Middlesex, NJ -- The Middlesex Constabulary -- Meeting
23 Winnetka, IL -- The Scotland Yarders -- Meeting
25 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Dinner Meeting
25 The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Virtual Meeting
25 Williamsburg, VA -- The DoG Street Irregulars -- Sherlock Holmes Birthday Celebration
26 The Scowrers and Molly Maguires -- Virtual Meeting
2 Minneapolis, MN -- The Norwegian Explorers -- Baker Street West
2 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
8 The Shaka Sherlockians of Hawaii – Virtual Meeting
8 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Virtual Meeting
9 DeWitt, NY -- The Mycroft Holmes Society of Syracuse -- Meeting
15 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
16 Adelaide, South AUSTRALIA -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of South Australia -- Afternoon Tea
16 Federal Way, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Luncheon Meeting
22-9 March Kolkata, INDIA -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of London -- Sherlock Holmes in India
22 Mechanicsburg, PA -- The White Rose Irregulars -- Meeting
22 The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Virtual Meeting
26 Middlesex, NJ -- The Middlesex Constabulary -- Meeting
27 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
2 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
7 Cincinnati, OH -- The Tankerville Club -- Dinner Meeting
8 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Meeting
14 Baltimore, MD -- The Six Napoleons -- Dinner Meeting
15 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Dinner Meeting
15 Baltimore, MD -- Sherlockians of Baltimore -- Luncheon Meeting
15 Skokie, IL -- Criterion Bar Association -- Luncheon Meeting
15 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
16 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
21-22 Dayton, OH -- The Agra Treasurers -- Holmes, Doyle & Friends Ten
27 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
29 Chicago, IL -- Torists International, S.S. -- Meeting
5 East Lansing, MI -- The Greek Interpreters -- Luncheon Meeting
5 The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Virtual Meeting
6 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
10 Bound Brook, NJ -- The Red-Headed League of Jersey -- Dinner Meeting
11-13 Atlanta, GA -- 221BCon
13 Dayton, OH -- The Agra Treasurers -- Luncheon Meeting
19 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
20 Seattle, WA - The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
24 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
25-27 Bethesda, MD -- Malice Domestic 37
26 Indianapolis, IN -- The Baker Street Irregulars -- MIdwest BSI Canonical Conclave
2 Philadelphia, PA -- The Sons of the Copper Beeches -- Dinner Meeting, invitation only
2 Boston, MA -- The Speckled Band of Boston -- Annual Dinner Meeting
4 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
10 The Shaka Sherlockians of Hawaii – Virtual Meeting
10 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Meeting
17 Skokie, IL -- Criterion Bar Association -- Luncheon Meeting
17 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
18 Adelaide, South AUSTRALIA -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of South Australia -- Afternoon Tea
18 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
24 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Meeting
24 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Dinner Meeting
24 Mechanicsburg, PA -- The White Rose Irregulars -- Meeting
1 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
7 Toronto, Ontario, CANADA -- The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Pub Event
8 Dayton, OH -- The Agra Treasurers -- Luncheon Meeting
13 Cincinnati, OH -- The Tankerville Club -- Dinner Meeting
15 Seattle, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
21 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
26 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
28 Chicago, IL -- Torists International, S.S. -- Meeting
6 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
12 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Meeting
13 Burien, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- John H. Watson Picnic
19 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Dinner Meeting
19 Toronto, Ontario, CANADA -- The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Special Event
20 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
24 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Fatal Battle of Maiwand Commemoration
3 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
9 The Shaka Sherlockians of Hawaii – Virtual Meeting
16 Mechanicsburg, PA -- The White Rose Irregulars -- Meeting
16 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Film Festival
17 Seattle, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
17 Adelaide, South AUSTRALIA -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of South Australia -- Afternoon Tea
28 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
3-7 New Orleans, LA -- Bouchercon
5 Cincinnati, OH -- The Tankerville Club -- Dinner Meeting
6 The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Virtual Meeting
7 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
13 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Meeting
20 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
21 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
25 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
27 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Field Trip
5 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
11 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Virtual Meeting
18 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
19 Seattle, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
23 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
23 New York, NY -- The Five Orange Pips -- Annual Dinner, invitation only
25 The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Virtual Meeting
2 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
8 The Shaka Sherlockians of Hawaii – Virtual Meeting
8 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Meeting
15 Royal Oak, MI -- The Ribston-Pippins -- Silver Blaze & 37th Anniversary Dinner
15 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
16 Adelaide, South AUSTRALIA -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of South Australia -- Afternoon Tea
16 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
20 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Virtual Meeting
22 Mechanicsburg, PA -- The White Rose Irregulars -- Meeting
25 Toronto, Ontario, CANADA -- The Friends of the ACD Collection at the Toronto Public Library -- 24th Annual Cameron Hollyer Memorial Lecture
4 Minneapolis, MN -- The Norwegian Explorers -- Annual Business & Dinner Meeting
6 Toronto, Ontario, CANADA -- The Bootmakers of Toronto -- Special Event & Annual General Meeting
7 The Crew of the Barque Lone Star -- Virtual Meeting
12 Cincinnati, OH -- The Tankerville Club -- Dinner Meeting
13 St. Louis, MO -- The Parallel Case of St. Louis -- Virtual Meeting
13 The Norwegian Explorers -- Study Group (Virtual)
19 Cambridge, MA -- The Friends of Irene Adler -- Annual Dinner Meeting
20 Tulsa, OK -- The Afghanistan Perceivers -- Blue Carbuncle Holiday Celebration
21 Seattle, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
2026/Anno Holmes 172
7-11 New York, NY -- Sherlock Holmes Birthday Weekend (extended)
7 ASH Wednesday
Contact: Jen Kneeland
8 The ACD Society’s “Doylean Honors” and Running of the Wessex Cup at The Mysterious Bookshop
Contact: Ross Davies
8 BSI Distinguished Speaker Lecture
9 Otto Penzler’s Mysterious Bookshop Open House
9 The Literary Agents Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Contact: Mark Jones/Ashley Polasek
9 William Gillette Memorial Luncheon
Contact: Shana Carter
9 BSI 92nd Annual Dinner, invitation only
9 Gaslight Gala
Contact: Ann Andriacco
10 BSI Merchants Room
Contact: Ralph Hall
10 BSI Luncheon Reception
10 Lost in NY with a Bunch of Sherlockians
Contact: Jerry Kegley
11 ASH Brunch
Contact: Tamar Zeffren/Tiffany Knight
17 London, England -- The Sherlock Holmes Society of London -- 73rd Annual Dinner
Contact: Catherine Cooke
18 The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Virtual Meeting
15 Seattle, WA -- The Sound of the Baskervilles -- Meeting
TBD Chicago, IL -- Torists International, SS -- 140th Birthday of Vincent Starrett
2027/Anno Holmes 173